Thursday, June 23, 2011

Portal 2 Review and Download

When a strange environment, brilliant game and fun, all the dialogue was progressing, Portal, have left some pretty big unknown. First and foremost is "What happens now?" and "How strange, this whole situation happen?" Portal 2 is intended to answer these questions, and travels in both forward and backward conclusion of the Portal. The result is a sequel that does not attempt to replicate the successful formula of its predecessor. Rather, it expands when the original experience, to create something that feels familiar at first. But as you progress through the single player is fascinated by the journey, and the confusion with an intelligent co-op campaign, which is of concern that things might not be too familiar to have lost the scope of the adventures and characters you meet along the path.

Once again, you're stuck in the wonderful world of Aperture Science, with hilarious dialogue and winning entries will be delivered without a body, and artificial intelligence, and original gameplay mechanics and a smooth difficulty curve to the sublime puzzle solving to the satisfaction of all available.

Single-player campaign will begin by addressing what will happen now that you've destroyed the evil artificial intelligence that has tried to burn. "Now," may be a relative term in the bowels of Aperture Science, but you let the plant is still fresh in their memory what you did at the end of Portal. Almost immediately, you will meet a very helpful and attentive to the AI ​​wants to work with, so that you can escape the terrible danger. Despite the appearance of a metal basket with handles and a camera lens, the AI ​​is physically expressive, and very funny. His well-intentioned person a little more 'is the immediate source of helpless laughter that is so consistent the whole game. Like its predecessor, writing Portal 2 is a standout. Not only is full of brilliant writing and witty voice-excellent, but also manages to create characters out of a solid metal parts and nothing.

It is not long before finding an Aperture Science Handheld Portal Device (colloquially known as a "portal gun") and start slinging portals, as was the 2007th unfamiliar with this technology need not fear: Portal 2 has a nice learning curve, leading quickly to speed. The bases are as follows: Using this weapon, you can create two portals on some walls, ceilings and floors. Go in a hole and you leave the another. You begin by learning basic navigation and then proceed to transport objects and experiment with more complex movements, jumping from a ledge into a portal below to jump across the room. Getting the shot of this requires you to flex your spatial awareness, but the introduction is so fluid and intuitive than before you know what you think of portals.

When you get reacquainted bases of portals and try to escape with a friend, you run into an old test system administrator-slash-nemesis, GLaDOS. Although it is not very happy to see you, is happy to test target through the rooms and take a ride with the sarcastic barbs. His ill-signature is alive and well, but those who have spent the time to test before he could discover that his repertoire has become familiar. She still has a wonderfully dark lines, but his comments are not immature enough shock value itself. But when you spend so far is mixed through the test chambers of his grace, it becomes clear that his lack of bite is due to his injured self-confidence. After all, it was believed all-powerful master of puppets, and six pieces and each piece has thrown into the fire. It can be bent to your destruction, but GLaDOS is a complex character who evolves over the course of these early levels.

Before all is said and done, you come again to cherish your relationship with this horrible AI.While you to reconnect with the basics of portals and try to escape with your new friend you meet your old test administrator slash-nemesis , GLaDOS. Although it is not exactly a pleasure to see you, she is happy to have a reason to drive through the test chambers and plague with sarcastic barbs. His signature is ill alive and well, but those who have passed the tests of time with her before you can see that his shtick has become familiar. She still has a few lines beautifully sinister, but his sarcastic comments about not having enough of the same shock value. But as you spend some time to be mixed through the test chambers in his thank you, it becomes clear that his lack of teeth due to his injured self-esteem. After all, she believes, even an omnipotent Puppet Master, and you tore it into pieces and threw every piece into a fire. It can be bent on your destruction, but GLaDOS is a complex character who evolves through the early levels. Before all is said and done, you come again to cherish your relationship with this cruel AI.




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